It’s very easy to get distracted, sidetracked and completely destroyed by the goals you set and not accomplishing them, but one thing we often forget is where our mindset is when we’re setting these goals.

If no one told you this, I will. 

You need to consider your mindset when you’re setting goals to get what you want ’cause if you’re mind isn’t there first, you’re just creating laundry lists that will never get accomplished .


Let’s start by taking a moment to understand the two common categories mindset falls into:

The broken or scarcity mindset revolves around a person concerned and worried about the lack of things (whether that be material, wealth, opportunities). It’s primarily the mindset that many young adults are nurtured into, where we feel as though there’s not enough for everyone, we criticize those around us especially through social media, blame others for our mistakes or choices, and fear change. Essentially, this is the mindset that is driven around negativity.


On the other hand, the abundant mindset resolves around a person who is not concerned and worried about the “lack of…”. but rather appreciative of the things that they currently have, and the steps that need to be taken to accomplish their goals. This person continuously focuses on learning and growth, thinks positive thoughts, shares knowledge and feels like there’s more than enough for everyone and wants everyone to succeed. 


The person with the broken mindset will think and say “I will always be poor!”, while the person with the abundance mindset will think and say “I have more than enough today, and I declare that I am abundant in all areas of my life besides my money”


You see, the broken mindset is just that – broken. It focuses on the pain, the hurt, the “I will never be __________ because of _______________” and those elements revolve around our self-limiting beliefs of what we subscribe to, and what we believe will be our truth. 


So if you found yourself nodding and relating to the broken mindset rather the abundance one, here’s a few strategies you can actually implement starting today on how to change your mindset: 


  1. Keep a gratitude journal – I recently bought one at my local bookstore, but you could get any journal as well to keep track of your thoughts. I’d suggest everyday (perhaps in the morning when your mind is hopefully refreshed and renewed), write down at least 10 things you’re grateful for – and if it’s something that’s consistent on a daily basis, jot down why it was so important to you today. 
  2. Assess your thoughts – As weird as this sounds, take a moment to think about your thoughts. Where are your thoughts coming from? Is what you’re thinking about based on your self-limiting beliefs? Or thoughts that show you are more than a conqueror? If it is, think about what it will feel like when you accomplish the goal(s) you set for yourself. 
  3. Declare and Affirm IT! – You read that right! When you declare what you know is something you deserve to receive and affirm it daily, you are training your subconscious mind to understand how powerful you are and how you can obtain this.


So, where’s your head at? And what are you doing today to get to a better abundant mindset?


Let’s chat!

Laura, xo